
Workflow (2) Analysis for Leopardus pardalis

i. The first code to run is the lpardalis_1_dataGeneration.qmd html. Four new files will be created:

ii. After, run lpardalis_2_variableSelection.qmd html to get the best predictors for the modeled species. The predictors will be: cov.1, cov.2, cov.3, and cov.4.

iii. Then run the lpardalis_3_dataPreparation.qmd html code with the selected predictors to prepare the data for the model. Four new files will be created:

iv. Run the model with lpardalis_4_modelRun.qmd html. Two new files will be created:

v. And, finally, create the output figures with lpardalis_5_modelOutputs.qmd html. The html output will show all the results, plus a new file will be created: