Florencia Grattarola, Lucía Rodríguez-Tricot, Matías Zarucki & Gabriel Laufer.
This repository (github.com/bienflorencia/carpobrotus-uruguay) includes the data and code for analysing the records of Carpobrotus edulis on NaturalistaUY (the iNaturalist site in Uruguay). The data download was automated through the iNautralist API, and can be found here: datos_carpobrotus.csv
Explore the manuscript’s Supplementary Information.
Photo by Florencia Grattarola licensed under CC BY, via NaturalistaUY.
This repo is available under a CC-BY license. If you use the code for your work, please cite our articler in Biological Invasions:
Grattarola F., Rodríguez-Tricot L., Zarucki M., and Laufer G. (2024) Status of the invasion of Carpobrotus edulis in Uruguay based on citizen science records. Biological Invasions https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-023-03242-w